Hi again blog-followers! I was holding off writing until I had something to tell you, as this is still quite an interim stage in the lap band journey. Anyway, thought I'd best say something, or else you might think that I was sitting in a corner somewhere gobbling hot chips and cream cakes!
Today is exactly 4 weeks since surgery, and I am 10 kg. lighter. None of that weight loss can be attributed to the band as yet, and was mostly due to the fluid stage, and the mushy stage, and the fact that small portions are advised.
The lap band is on, but not as yet tightened. This means that at the moment, as long as I chew well, I can eat most anything (maybe not steak, bread, cake, etc.). Just little portions for now, and for ever. The band will be tightened 6 weeks after surgery, giving it a chance now to adhere to the stomach and settle into position.
Below I have added a drawing of where the band is in relation to my stomach, and it gives you an idea of what a small stomach I will have, and why small portions are imperative. It will take food a little while to get through to the big stomach, and I will feel full very quickly, as you can imagine. And chewing well is important so that nothing gets stuck.
When I get the band tightened, it will happen via a port under the skin of my stomach, attached to a tube running to the lapband. The surgeon injects a saline solution via the port, not too much at first, and there will be no doubt a few adjustments will be needed until it feels right for me. They can also take some saline out to open the band up a bit if required.
Anyway, that is enough technical information, and not much more to report, except that I am feeling really great, my left knee pain has completely disappeared, and I am actually picking stuff up off the floor myself! My bike riding has increased, and it's great to get out and about on the bike. I even cycle down for groceries now, instead of taking the car!
So, I'll be off now, and hope everyone is feeling well and not too grossed out by the pictures. At least I didn't photograph my scars and bruises for you!
Bye, until after the tightening!! Ruth