Saturday, July 31, 2010

Greetings to all blog readers! It has been quite a while since I last wrote, but really, there hasn't been anything much to say, so I thought I would wait until I had the band tightened a bit more. It is really quite a slow process, the Dr. can't suddenly squeeze my stomach tight for fear of tearing it, so it is just a bit at a time.

Anyway, here is an interim photo:

You can see I cunningly wore black, but I think there might be a slight difference in the width, perhaps?
I think I see a slight waist there, unseen since around 1978!!

Last Friday was the second tightening. There is usually a 6-week gap between them. Now I have 3 ml. of saline injected around the band, but I haven't felt much different yet, so no doubt there will be more tightening for me. Apparently the amount of tightening varies from maybe a minimum of 3 ml. up to maybe 9 ml., and everyone is different. I can say I am less hungry, and am certainly eating less that pre-band, so that is a good thing. My weight is still around 11 kg. lighter, and I don't expect huge weight losses in a short time - it is a very gradual process.

Here is another photo - a bit funny:

Someone suggested I may have become faint due to lack of food, and fallen,!! I just fell down in the street and cracked my head on the footpath. Just thought I'd add the photo for some light relief. Nothing really to do with the lapband. Just trying to give you a laugh and get the sympathy vote.

It really isn't that bad, but looks a lovely colour. In fact, I think it is a much deeper shade of purple today that when this was taken. I must try to watch where I put my feet, it makes me feel really old to just crumple up and fall for no reason!

So, perhaps I should give a few statistics on how the centimetres have gone down since the start. Sometimes that makes more of an impression than just losing weight.
Waist - down by 12 cms. Hips - down by 9 cms. Thigh - down by 6 cms. Bust - down by 2 cms. (But not much there to start with!). Anyway, that makes me realise that there is a difference!!

Peter is benefiting quite well out of this - especially if we are out to dinner. I can only get through half of meal out, so Pete has his, then the rest of mine. We'll put a bit of weight on him yet!!
So all is well with us, and the next band tightening is not until early September. Will send a few words then. (If you are still interested.) All the best, and hope you are staying warm. xx